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AAS Accessories
Air Compressor / Gas Conrol Box
AAS requires compressed Air supply of high flow rate which can be supplied by air compressor which consist of 20 liter storage tank, pressure switch, safety valve , gauge & outlet valve etc.
Oil free as well as Noiseless (Oil based) compressors are also available.
Compressor being at high flow & pressure has to be controlled before going to the AAS with the help of Gas Control Box.
Gas Control Box can be used for Acetylene & N2O gas also
Air / Moisture Filter
Moisture free Air is must for AAS. Filter of 5 � & 0.1 � which is to be attached after air compressor for the removal of Moisture, oil, dust and mist particles.
There are two types of Air Filters available, manual drain & automatic drain.
Cylinder Regulator
Cylinder Regulator is used for the controlling of outlet pressure of cylinder for Acetylene & Nitrous Oxide & Argon gas.
M.O.C : Brass Chromplated Body or S.S body with S.S diaphragm .
Pre heater for Nitrous oxide gas.
Fume Hood & Blower
AAS deliver fumes which need to be exhaust outside the lab which is to be ventilated by fume hood with exhaust fan or blower, M.O.C: S.S Body.

For AAS : Blower: S.S body, �� HP, 1800 RPM
For ICP : Blower: SS body, �� HP, 2800 RPM
Gas Purification / Control System
Gas Purification panel is used to remove the vapours impurities like Moisture, CO, CO2, Hydrocarbon from N2O, Argon & Acetylene. Gas purification for AAS & ICP-MS is optional one can also used gas distribution panel instead of gas purification panel.

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